

Editing During the pre-production stage, a storyboard is created to visualise how the visual and auditory parts will combine to create the scene.  The storyboard will predict how each unit of action will happen through listing the desired shot sizes and angles. This will then become a sequence of shots.  Each action that is shot must not have any continuity errors. For example, body part positioning, movements, costume, objects and mise-en-scene elements must be identical to its prior shot.  Intercutting can also be useful for portraying two different storylines at the same time, aiming to highlight the impact. It is also a useful way of creating tension.


Sound You can maximise an audience's sensory experience and emotional response through combining movement and sound.  The sound can work with the visuals, such as sad music for a sad moment/scene, or can be opposite with each other, such as happy/calm music during a fight scene. Diegetic sound is what the characters can hear within the film, such as: - Character's voices - Sounds of objects - Music played within the film.  If the character can hear the sounds then it is diegetic. Diegetic sound refers to any types of sound that is heard/made from within the film's world.  This extract features diegetic sound as it is background music played in the bar. In addition to this, you hear voices and laughs of everyone else in the background as the character passes them.  Non-diegetic sound is not heard in the actor's world on screen, such as:  - A narrator's commentary - Additional sound - Music for dramatic effect Non-di


Camera When capturing the action in a scene, the director has a variety of shot options available to them.  Shot variation can be considered a way of maintaining the audience's interest.  Shot Sizes Extreme Close Up This can be used to capture emotions as well as to increase the pace of the action in a scene. Close Up  This can be used to capture detail on a character's face, such as a reaction or facial expression.  Medium Shot This can show the audience the perspective they would have if they were facing the character in real life (if they were to be having a conversation with them for example).  Long Shot This shot establishes the entire scene from a distance. This is useful for the audience to see the type of environment the character is in.   Extreme Long Shot This shot establishes an entire location form a further distance.  Angles High Angle A high angle can make the character appear more

Narrative Structures

Narrative Structures The narrative structure of a film or television show refers to the overall arrangement of the story's content; this determines how the story is told which impacts the way the audience interprets it. This includes features such as the story content, the plot and the elements used to deliver the story. The narrative structure is important as it determines the way the audience chooses to see characters and any occurring events.  There are different narrative structures that can be used for storytelling, such as: Linear A linear narrative delivers all events in a chronological order - in the order that each event happens. Quite often flashbacks can be seen as nonlinear, however in some films they can include a flashback yet simply jump back to where the events continues, therefore making it linear.  Soap operas are always told in a linear narrative, as they focus on the every day lives of the character as they experience and portray events as each


Comedy Comedy genres include content that is driven to make the audience laugh. Although there is serious content, the majority of comedy films have happy endings.  Comedies often emphasise the 'silly' personalities of its characters, revealing the inner childish mindset that most people experience yet have to be mature on a daily basis, especially at serious locations and events such as work, funerals and weddings.  There are different types of comedy that a film/TV show can have, including slapstick, which is where comedy is simulated through the use of physical movements and gestures. Films containing slapstick comedy can include films such as There's Something about Mary, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and Ace Venture.  Another type of comedy can be dark humour, where serious matters are often mocked, such as rape, death, drugs, violence and terrorism. Films containing dark comedy can include American Psycho, Snatch, Pulp Fi

Soap Dramas

Soap Dramas Soap dramas are on-going fictional episodes that are broadcasted either daily or weekly on television. Soap operas focus on the general day-to-day activities of its characters, where dramatic situations and events often occur to keep viewers entertained and wanting to watch more.  Soap operas aim to portray the realistic events that people go through along with the typical lifestyles of the working class. Through presenting realistic social issues this will make the audience feel as if they can relate to the characters. The most popular soaps often include general day-to-day conversations of ordinary working people - who of which viewers feel they could relate to. Examples of soap ramas could be EastEnders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks. Each element, including the story line, costumes, props and script will contribute to the overall setting and theme. As a result of this the soap opera is set in a small residential area which foc