Period Drama
Period Drama
A costume/period drama is set in a particular era, involving a range of different costumes, sets and props which are required in order to accurately portray that particular time period.
The costumes can appeal to the audience as much as the content.
Historical/periodic dramas can be base on historical events, such as Romeo and Juliet and Titanic. Other examples of periodic films can include Braveheart, Gangs of New York and A Knight's Tale.
It is essential that everything included on screen fits in with that particular era, including the set, props, costumes and location.
Therefore, the appropriate costumes, props and sets should effectively portray the events and that time period, the appropriate locations will be required such as buildings with Victorian architecture along with the norms of society during that time, in order to both tell the audience an accurate story along with making it appear as realistic as it can be as it gives the audience a representation of what it was like to live in those times and what general life and culture was like for them. This is useful when attempting to portray how society and certain cultures have changed.
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